APL: You need a special keyboard to program in this language (S04E06)

APL is an array based programming language developed by Kenneth Iverson in the 1960s. Its central data type is the multi-dimensional array and hence it's very useful for workloads involving a lot of matrix math. APL predominantly uses symbols and it leverages consistent composability and execution rules to enable it as a notation as a tool for thought. 

* https://mathspp.com/blog/why-apl-is-a-language-worth-knowing
* https://www.quora.com/What-made-APL-programming-so-revolutionary?share=1
* https://tryapl.org/
* A Personal View of APL
* Notation as a Tool for Thought
* Heaviside Operator Calculus
* Conway’s Game of Life in APL
* Maxwell’s Equations: From 20 to 4
* Alan Kay’s answer to “What made APL so revolutionary?”
* Testimonies
    * https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27463149
    * https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27464005
    * https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27465512
* https://github.com/razetime/ngn-k-tutorial/blob/main/01-intro.md
00 - Objectives and Prerequisites | "Learn APL with Neural Networks"

[00:00:00] Intros
[00:03:36] What is APL?
[00:05:42] Yes, it uses weird symbols
[00:06:51] A language should change your thinking
[00:13:08] Notation as a tool of thought
[00:20:33] Connections to functional programming
[00:28:23] What it feels like to program in APL
[00:33:10] APL and IBM = big bucks
[00:35:20] The echos of APL in modern data science tools
[00:43:52] APL for big data pipelines
[00:48:56] APL for Machine learning
[00:54:59] APL for JSON manipulation
[01:03:18] APL as a spreadsheet language
[01:16:11] Superhuman programming: APL and LLMs
[01:26:59] Making APL more explainable
[01:38:18] Outro

===== About “The Technium” =====
The Technium is a weekly podcast discussing the edge of technology and what we can build with it. Each week, Sri and Wil introduce a big idea in the future of computing and extrapolate the effect it will have on the world.
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APL: You need a special keyboard to program in this language (S04E06)
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