Unison Programming Language (The Technium Podcast S02 E06)

Unison is a programming language for distributed systems by leveraging immutable and content addressable code.
Unison is a programming language for distributed systems by leveraging immutable and content addressable code. 

We discuss the many implications of a language whose code is content addressable, from fast rename, easy caching, to feature flagging.


- Unison Lang https://www.unisonweb.org/
- Unison at StrangeLoop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCWtkvDQ2ZI
- Unison and its Scala-based Runtime https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knqlWboqf_U
- What color is your function? https://journal.stuffwithstuff.com/2015/02/01/what-color-is-your-function/
- Python Environment XKCD https://xkcd.com/1987/


0:48 Intros
2:32 What is Unison?
6:46 Advantages of Content Addressable Code
15:39 Realizing the Scale before it's Too Late
22:03 Controlled Refactoring Experience
25:54 Abilities or Algebraic Effects
31:08 Programming the Whole Network
34:57 Facilitating the Culture around Coding
50:37 A Library Ecosystem
1:00:50 Reproducibility and Old Computers
1:07:55 Hot Patch Your Server
1:10:37 The Road to Popularity

===== About “The Technium” =====

The Technium is a weekly podcast discussing the edge of technology and what we can build with it. Each week, Sri and Wil introduce a big idea in the future of computing and extrapolate the effect it will have on the world.

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Unison Programming Language (The Technium Podcast S02 E06)
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