All Episodes

Displaying episodes 31 - 40 of 40 in total

Ep 010 - The Constrained Power of Datalog

This week, we mull on an obscure programming language called Datalog and its outsized impact on the world

Ep 009 - CLIP and DALL-E and the creativity of generative networks

In this episode, we muse about the creativity of machine learning models and what it means for the future of content creation/ownership

Ep 008 - Zero Knowledge Proofs

This week on The Technium, we talk about Zero Knowledge Proofs, a relatively new cryptographic primitive that lets people prove they know a secret without divulging it.

Eps 007 - Webassembly and write once, run anywhere

In this week's episode, we ruminate on Webassembly and the dream of writing once and running everywhere.

Ep 006 - The DAO for collective action

This week, we talk about the Decentralized Autonomous Organization. How could they bring a new flavor to collective action without a centralized authority?

Ep 005 - Functional Programming Everywhere

This week on the Technium, we talk about functional programming invading mainstream programming languages

Ep 004 - React Reconciler

In this week's episode, we talk about the React Reconciler. What is it? How would it help with building cross-platform frontends? What else could it be applied to?

Ep 003 - The Metaverse

In this week's episode, we talk about "The Metaverse". What is it, and why it excites technologists about a possible vision of the future.

Ep 002 - Local-first software

In this week's episode, we talk about Ink and Switch's manifesto on local-first software, a vision on building software that merges the best parts of both web apps and...

Ep 001 - Communing with Ghosts

In this week's episode, we talk about tools for thinking, note taking apps, and the retro vision for the web.

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